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Introducing GuruPay: An Embedded Payments Solution for WorkGuru, powered by Pinch Payments

We are pleased to introduce GuruPay, a solution developed by WorkGuru, specifically designed to streamline payment processes for WorkGuru's business customers.

The GuruPay Advantage

GuruPay represents a significant advancement for WorkGuru, as it enables their customers to collect payment online from invoices and quotes sent through their software, providing tremendous benefit to Australian businesses that use the WorkGuru job management system.

This breakthrough will also enable WorkGuru to monetise payments, something that software companies commonly struggle to achieve and sometimes don’t even know is a possibility.

Tony Harcourt, the founder of WorkGuru, underlines the importance of GuruPay, noting, "Automating the payments processes for traditional Australian businesses is often the last piece of the cloud migration puzzle. These businesses have been behind the eight ball when it comes to implementing new online technologies and we are so excited to be able to close the loop entirely by bringing Pinch solutions to our own customers through our own platform. We're particularly excited about allowing our customers to confirm quotes via a deposit payment, which we are about to launch and have had plenty of excited customers champing at the bit to get their hands on."

Paul Allen, CEO of Pinch Payments, shares the enthusiasm, stating, "We are delighted to support WorkGuru in their mission to enhance payment solutions for Australian businesses. Through this collaboration, we are furthering our own mission to eradicate the issue of late payments, a problem that exacts a significant toll on the Australian economy each year."

The Unified Vision of WorkGuru and Pinch Payments

WorkGuru and Pinch Payments share a common vision of simplifying and improving payment processes for businesses. WorkGuru provides a versatile project and inventory management platform that streamlines operations, while Pinch Payments offers a comprehensive set of solutions to make payment collecting more accessible and cost-effective.

GuruPay is a prime example of the collaborative potential of Pinch Payments to enhance payment processes for software companies. We look forward to continued collaboration to provide even more accessible and efficient payment solutions for businesses in the future.

If you’d like to discuss adding payments to your software platform get in touch with us today.

Ready to automate your payments?

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